Thursday, 14 March 2019


  • New Words
Amusing:causing (someone) to laugh or providing amusement
Upsetting:tending to disturb or upset
Burst out laughing:To laugh hard and in a sudden way
Gap:a break or opening
Gesture:a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that expresses an idea, opinion, emotion, etc.
Nod your head:to make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement, greeting, or command
Shake your head:To move your head side to side to say 'no'
Browse:to search for and read hypertext, esp on the Internet
Swipe: To slide your finger on a screen from side to side
Squeeze: To press together with force
Warn:to give advance notice to, esp. of danger or possible harm

  • Extra Vocabulary
Express:to communicate one's opinions or feelings
Hit:to come against with an impact or with force
Invite:to request the presence or participation of in a kindly or courteous way
Spread news:to distribute news over an area of space or time
Squeeze:To press together with force
Warn:to give advance notice to, esp. of danger or possible harm
Excited:full of emotions or feelings that have been stirred up or aroused
Exciting:producing or causing excitement
Frightening:causing fear or anxiety
Irritating:causing a feeling of annoyance, anger, or impatience


Present perfect and past simple👍👍👍
During and👍👍👍
Present perfect with ever and never just👍👍👍
Subject and object questions👍👍

On your travels: 👍👍👍
Can that be true:👍👍
Nigerian talking drums:👍👍

On your travels:👍👍👍
Nigerians talking drums👍👍👍
Writing a formal email👍👍👍

Writing an informal email👍👍👍

Abi 👍👍
Receipe proyect👍👍

We'll see after the exam...